Ferney Zantello uses his cell phone for a lot more than just talking. With his tiny Sanyo SCP-7300 he can surf the Internet, take pictures of his wife and kids, zap them wirelessly back to the family and pick up quick text messages from his wife through the day.
“Most people my age I know only use phones for conversations,” says Zantello, 33, a staff sergeant with the Marines stationed in Oceanside, Calif. “But it’s just a matter of time before everyone will use their phones this way. Once they experience it, they won’t be able to turn back.”
Zantello’s sentiments are exactly what the wireless industry is banking on. After selling more than 1.6 billion cell phones worldwide over the past few years and convincing nearly everyone who would ever want one to sign up for basic cell service, cell phone companies need new services to keep growth going.
So now they’re blanketing offers for entertainment oriented add-ons that would have been unfathomable just a year or two ago.
Enter whole new world with your phone []
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