Pocketbook Professor Business Expense Tracking and Training

Pocketbook Professor Business Expense Tracking and Training

Did you know you will pay more in taxes during your life than you will on food, shelter, clothing, and transportation combined!? In this economy every penny counts and Pocketbook Professor delivers business expense tracking tools and financial training that help the average small business save thousands of dollars a year on their taxes and ensure that their records are bulletproof in an audit.

Sandy Botkin, CPA, Tax Attorney, and former IRS Trainer has been helping millions of people lower their taxes through his seminars (including feature appearances at Donald Trump and Tony Robbins seminars), and best-selling books for years. But now, through the internet and the iPhone, small business owners can get the ultimate online tax training and tracking system for only $99/year (which is also tax deductible)! Most entrepreneurs find enough deductions in their first day to pay for the entire year’s subscription.

With the Pocketbook Professor iPhone app, you can track your business mileage using GPS, snap pictures of your receipts, and log the information you need for IRS guidelines. Then have your reports emailed to you at the click of a button. Plus learn how to write off almost every business expense you have. This is great for anyone with a small business including traditional businesses, network marketers, real estate and insurance professionals.

Learn how easy it is to;

  • Deduct the equivalent of your child’s college education or wedding
  • Deduct your vehicle
  • Deduct your travel
  • Double deduct your equipment
  • Deduct ALL your medical expenses including vision, dental, orthodontics, and more!
  • Create a retirement account that makes a Government retirement system look wimpy!

Get your first lesson, “How to write off all your medical expenses!” for free! Start using our free tracking tools today!

CoolBusinessIdeas.com subscribers can get 25% off by using coupon code: coolbiz

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