Print Notes Straight From Your Phone

Frequent note-takers undoubtedly have desks littered with sticky notes. However, if you have a flash of inspiration while away from your desk, why just settle writing your notes on your phone? With this nifty Cubinote printer, you can print out notes straight from your phone for just $145.

The Cubinote Pro Sticky Note Printer lets you jot down your ideas whenever and wherever. When a great idea pops in your head, jot it down on your phone and sync it to the Cubinote Pro via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth once you’re back in the office; the Cubinote will print your notes out on a sticky note. You can print anything that can be displayed on your phone, including text, charts, and even photos.

This deal comes with 3 biodegradable paper rolls. Additionally, the Cubinote doesn’t require ink, so you can note away to your heart’s desire with minimal environmental impact.

Print notes straight from your phone with this sticky note printer [New Atlas]

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