Popgadget: The clever folks at PumpOne noticed that a lot of people work out with their iPods, so they’ve designed workout programs that play on any model that displays images. (I may have to finally upgrade my second gen ipod, circa 2003!) It also works on nanos, Zunes and smartphones with memory and color screens. The programs have names such as PumpedForLife, PumpedAsanas, and PumpedForSummer. Each workout includes instructions, tips and visuals you can watch at your own pace.
Areas of focus are strength, weight loss, endurance, flexibility and heart health. They offer a variety of trainers, which is nice because personality matters when you are receiving instruction. On January 1, they also started a service to download workouts to your mobile phone.
Finally, the best part is that you can still listen to your playlists while you work out.
PumpOne iPod workouts [Popgadget]
PumpOne iPod
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