Punchdrunk Real Performance

Punchdrunk is a UK performance group, who for the past couple of years has been staging a version of Macbeth, Sleep No More in New York, to sell out crowds, in 100,000 sq. ft. of former nightclub space.

While there’s a stage where some of the action takes place, the audience is actively encouraged to roam around the building, opening doors and looking around in rooms to get closer to the action and uncover storylines. The seductively elaborate sets include; an infirmary complete with beds, a padded cell, doctors offices, a giant bathroom with multiple baths, a chapel, a hotel lobby space with a reception and dining area and even a forest. When you are in these spaces, you are free to read the books and papers, open draws and cabinets, sit on the chairs and couches and pour yourself a cocktail, if one happens to be available.

It’s a radically different way of thinking about performance and as an audience member it totally immerses you in the “dream state” of the piece, it allows you to see acting and drama in a new light and you truly become part of the action. It short it makes for something that because of your actions becomes truly memorable.

Real Interaction – Sleep No More [Influx Insights]

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