Relax With A Weighted Blanket

According to the CDC, a third of US adults report that they get less than the recommended amount of sleep every night (seven to eight hours). It’s important to get a good night’s rest since sleep deprivation leads to stress, low energy, difficulty concentrating, and a general inability to function as usual. The Weighted Anti-Anxiety Blanket is a helpful solution for those at home struggling with restless sleep, and it’s on sale for just $59.99. That’s 60% off the normal price of $149.99.

This weighted blanket helps you make restless sleep — and the stress that comes with it — a thing of the past. First off, unlike other blankets that are commonly made with woven acrylic, knitted polyester, cotton, fleece, or wool, this blanket is made with tiny glass beads and polyester fibers. These different materials give the blanket weight, which in turn gently applies pounds of pressure to you when sleeping. By sleeping with a blanket that’s close to 10% of your bodyweight — options include 12lbs, 15lbs, or 20lbs — you can begin to alleviate anxiety, stress, insomnia, and more, leading to a good night’s rest and a clear head the following day.

On top of helping to improve mental health, this blanket also feels good and looks great in any bedroom. The blanket, which comes from the Ella Jayne Home Collection, features two unique sides, including a Minky velvet-soft side and a comfortable microfiber fabric one. What’s more, it comes in three color options: grey, navy, and black. Meaning, it’s easy to find a color that matches the style of your bedroom. So, not only does this blanket help you reduce stress by improving the quality of your sleep, but it’s also a great accessory for making your bedroom feel and look like home.

The Weighted Anti-Anxiety Blanket helps you improve your mental health by overcoming restless nights of sleep. Get it today for just $59.99.

Relax with a weighted blanket that makes it easier to sleep at night [New Atlas]

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