Röshults Booster Charcoal Grill

The Röshults Booster Grill is a charcoal grill where the glow bed is agitated by inaudible infrasound. Infrasound is sound with extremely low frequencies. A human being cannot hear those low frequencies, but still the infrasound can be very powerful. With infra-sound technology, we can control the movements of the molecules in the layers of charcoal. We push them to move faster, making the heat rise and the glow grow stronger. All within seconds.

This revolutionary barbecue combines innovative technology with Röshults characteristic design language:

•  Instead of 20-30 minutes, the grill is heated up within 5-7 minutes
•  You can regulate the intensity of the glow bed and grilling temperature between 150-350°C
•  It takes away flames from the glow bed when fat drips onto the charcoal
•  Complete combustion makes minimum of smoke
•  Consumption of charcoal is about one third of a normal charcoal grill.

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