Safe and Secure

photo_blog_rebeccaturbow.jpgDailyCandy: The big, bad world can be a very scary place. And sometimes we feel defenseless against things like war, disease, and people who wear socks with sandals.
Horrific images, all.
Thankfully, there are coping mechanisms: little blue pills, champagne cocktails, and Rebecca Turbow’s Safe clothes. Turbow’s playful collection of durable dresses, shorts, skirts, and tops are designed to protect wearers both physically and emotionally. Eschewing all colors but teal and white, Turbow uses the same soothing hues favored for hospital scrubs. Each piece is made with soft fabrics and round pads to provide cushioning around vital organs like the stomach and heart. There are also purses, shoulder bags, and wallets to help soothe anxiety, and guys can turn to her monochromatic tees for a little extra security. And now it’s all available online.
Safety First [DailyCandy]

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