Salad Billboard

Canton Daily Ledger: At some point in life, just about all of us have spelled something out on our plate with food. A University of Illinois Horticulturist has taken this concept to new heights – spelling out the words “Fresh Salads” on a billboard advertisement using real, growing lettuce.
Pierceall was first contacted by the Leo Burnett advertising company to ask for his assistance in creating the billboard for one of their clients, McDonald’s Corporation — the goal being to stress the fresh salads in their menu. “Burnett googled horticulture and Chicago and my name kept coming up, so they called me,” said Pierceall.
The billboard was mounted in Wrigleyville near the intersection of Addison and Clark streets. Pierceall said that the “shelf life” of the billboard is unlimited as defined by Mother Nature, and even she can’t be pushed. “The ad agency wanted the billboard to be up this summer, but I told them it had to wait because lettuce is a cool season crop and would never be successful in the summer in Chicago. The seasonal nature of the plants defined the presentation timing and the eventual length of the presentation, kind of like installation art.”
Pierceall has over 30 years of experience in environmental education and landscape design. Currently he is advisor of a horticulture degree-completion program for Chicago area students.
U of I horticulturist grows salad billboard [Canont Daily Ledger]

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