Save Up To 15% on your electricity bills Today

Electricity bills up 15%, gas bills up 19% when will it stop.

Electricity Saving Devices are responsible for thousands of companies saving money on their utility bills. The ERD (electricity reduction device)  can save customers as much as 15% (+) on their electric bill every month without sacrificing normal energy consumption and the comforts it provides.

There are many different types of electrical equipment which affect the electricity supply in different ways. Some electrical loads have a bad power factor, which results in higher electrical current flowing, irrespective of whether that is heating, lighting, mechanical power, ventilation, etc.

This means your electricity bills are much higher than they should be.  Power Factor can be regarded as a measure of “efficiency” and has values ranging from 0 to 1, where 1 is 100% efficient.

Our  equipment improves this “efficiency” so that less electrical current is needed to achieve the same result.   By improving the efficiency we can lower your bills.

Your Electricity Bills

All industrial and commercial electricity users have to pay for the energy they use. The bills that you receive are based on a number of factors:

  • KWH Units
  • Fuel Surcharge
  • Maximum Demand
  • Availability Charge
  • Reactive Power

You are always charged for the first and often pay for one or more of the others – it all depends upon the tariff that you are on.  Companies with high electrical loads often have a reduced power factor.  A low power factor can cause undesirable effects such as increased electricity costs charged by their supplier.

How we can help you REDUCE your electricity bills

Our Equipment (LV & MV) and Harmonic Filters reduce charge on your electricity bills and the savings made cover the cost of the equipment supplied, often in as short a period as four months.  The Equipment will then continue to save you money for the next 15 to 20 years. Return on capital is enormous, running costs are nil – no emissions, effluent or waste products.

You Save Money. We All Win.

Money isn’t all that you are saving. It’s an energy-wise purchasing decision with many positive environmental implications. Even a small installation can reduce their CO2 emission by a few tones per year, and on large building the emission reduction can be substantial.

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