New York Daily News: Ready to scan your own groceries as you walk the aisles? How about buying a sweater from a touch screen on a department store shelf, to get a color or size the store just ran out of?
The National Retail Federation is set to kick off its annual trade show at the Javits Center next Monday, where its members will unveil a host of new gadgets that could give future shopping a whole different look.
That’s because, when it comes to attracting and keeping customers in such a competitive age, good selection and heavy advertising aren’t enough.
Chris Donnelly, a partner with the retail practice of management consultant Accenture, believes what sets a store apart these days is service – the ability to educate the customer – not to mention speed.
Take, for instance, the collaboration between Accenture and Microsoft, which recently piloted a “Shopping Cart Assistant” in a few test stores nationwide.
This mini-computer mounts right on a shopping cart, reminding customers what should be on their list. In a computer store, such a system would know what printer a person previously bought, then dispense advice on a matching ink cartridge.
High-tech retailing [New York Daily Times]
Scan your groceries!
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