Sensor Mirror


If you owned the brand-new simplehuman Sensor Mirror, you’d know the answer to that question. (It’s YOU, btw.)

Think of those pull-out mirrors you sometimes find in hotel bathrooms that magnify your face to scary proportions: it’s NOT one of those, but rather a very clever sensor mirror that lights up automatically as your face approaches, and which uses a ” tru-lux light system” that simulates natural sunlight.

This prevents the dreaded “hooker” look; you know, when you’ve applied your make-up by a dim bathroom light. By allowing you to see full color variation, you can tell when your makeup is color-correct and flawless. (The mirror is also distortion-free at 5x magnification so you can see your entire face at once, which is what you want when applying make-up.)

Mirror Mirror On The Wall, Who’s The Fairest Of Them All? [Popgadget]

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1 thought on “Sensor Mirror

  1. Hi where can I buy this product and who should I contact regarding the sales of the products for distribution?

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