Shoe Drop Vacation

TrendCentral: After popularizing the cause-driven, buy-one-give-one consumer product model, TOMS Shoes founder Blake Mycoskie’s latest endeavor may just do the same for branded volunteer vacations. What started off as an outreach program to help educate and activate consumers (wherein volunteers were invited to help distribute free shoes to children living in some of the world’s poorest neighborhoods) has evolved into a full-fledged travel company called TOMS Tours.
Due to instantaneous popularity of the “shoe drops”, interested parties must fill out an online application to be considered for one of the 15 volunteer positions. Once selected, participants pay $1800 (plus international airfare) for an otherwise all-inclusive trip, to locations such as Argentina, that combines the village visits (where shoes are distributed) with regional group activities such as hiking, wine tasting, and sightseeing.

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1 thought on “Shoe Drop Vacation

  1. Hey Marcel-
    Thank you for writing about TOMS in your blog! We would like to send you a gift to show our appreciation. Please e-mail me your mailing address by next Wednesday! Also, we’d like to invite you to join our online community on Facebook at “TOMS Shoes: Shoes for Tomorrow.”
    Take care,

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