Skin Sensors


Scientists have created “electronic foils” that will allow circuits to conform to any surface — or get stretched, bent, and crumpled. The electronics may someday become as common as plastic wrap, researchers say. Using processes common in the semiconductor industry, such as vacuum evaporation and chemical vapor deposition, the scientists manufactured integrated organic circuits onto ultrathin (1 micron) plastic films, also known as polymer foils.

“If you imagine a person that cannot communicate with anything but their tongue, this would be a nice interface,” Kaltenbrunner tells io9. “They could give yes or no answers by touching different spots of the sensor, and the device can conform so nicely that it wouldn’t be painful to wear.” Another use for such a sensor would be as artificial skin for robots, which would give them touch sensitivity.

This substance will let you turn your skin into a computer [io9]

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