Soda Can Advertising

Snellville (Atlanta), GA USA. A Ukrainian inventor, Johan De Broyer has conceived the idea for a re-sealable aluminum soda can featuring hidden advertising messaging. The idea was developed/designed by Robert Davis, Davis Advertising Inc. of Snellville (Atlanta), GA USA. K Mac McClintock, Advercan (Dallas, TX USA) is handling messaging technologies and representation.
The ingenious new “Soda Seal®” can appears like a standard soda can — until it is popped open. When the tab is turned the can becomes re-sealed with a water-tight and gas-tight seal,* revealing full-color, high-resolution advertising messaging. The potential for the new soda can is proportionate to the 250 billion soda cans consumed annually.
There are numerous benefits including:
-Net-zero production cost. The “mini-billboard” advertising message is sold to co-promoters. Advertising revenues will offset the cost of production.
-Advertising messaging can include hidden codes, prizes, logos, branding, websites, scent, flavor and other messaging technologies.
-The “novelty aspect” of the new can, in addition to the hidden promotional messaging, may result in added beverage sales, especially when used in conjunction with sweepstakes, contests, giveaways, etc.
-Advertising messaging can be customized for local, regional, national or worldwide (with language translation) implementation. The closing disks can be printed and distributed to various packaging facilities for specific advertising/
promotional targeting.
-The can’s all aluminum construction requires no deviation from current recycling programs. There are no plastics or other materials used.
-The Soda-Seal top assembly is fitted to a standard aluminum can. There is no redesign, retooling or machining required for the standard can which resides beneath the Soda-Seal can top assembly.
Advercan is now seeking partnerships with MCC Rexam, Ball, Crown Holdings, Etc. More info is available at:

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2 thoughts on “Soda Can Advertising

  1. To the editor,
    The initial item displays ?s versus “s around Soda Seal. Just letting you know.

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