Sound Huggle: The World’s Coziest Hi-Fi Headphones

Sound Huggle created the world’s most comfortable hi-fi winterproof headphones.   Picture this: It’s 5:30’re finishing your last sip of coffee in anticipation of your morning run.  As you open the door to the world outside, you’re immediately slapped across the face with a brutal reminder that it’s winter and cold outside!  Your clothes are going to keep your body warm, but how are you going to listen to your favorite running tracks without suffering the pain of frost-bitten ears?  We have two words for you – Sound Huggle.

Sound Huggles offer excellent full-range performance with deep, punchy bass that is filling and not over exaggerated. The mid-range is perfectly balanced with excellent voice and horn reproduction. The high frequencies are crisp and clean, not overly bright or piercing.

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