Star Trek Communication

The magic of Star Trek “com badges” has come to life! Wearing a Vocera badge, people can touch the slim device they wear on their uniforms, identify who they want to talk to and start talking immediately as they did on the TV show.
The Vocera Communications Badge, made by Silicon Valley-based Vocera Communications, contains a digital signal processor chip and a Wi-Fi radio. The former handles all the voice processing and the latter transmits them to a computer network.
How then, does this communication system work? The badge is actually controlled using natural speech. To initiate a conversation with Jim, for example, the user would simply say, “Conference Jim.” This triggers a powerful server-based application that matches the name spoken with a database entry. It then locates Jim on the network, activates their badges and initiates the conversation, which takes place using Voice-Over-Internet Protocol or VOIP. In addition, when a live conversation is unnecessary, text messages and alerts can be sent to the LCD screen on the back of the Vocera Communications Badge (Source: Forbes).

Hospitals and medical centers are big fans of the Vocera Communications System. It reduces some of the chaos and streamlines communication in such facilities. Healthcare workers spend an enormous amount of time trying to page, call or e-mail each other for very simple but often critical communications. This communicator significantly reduces the amount of time the doctors spend trying to get things done. And that means more lives can be saved!
Let’s Get Down To Business…

Communications systems and devices should be designed to increase business productivity, teamwork, and customer service levels. A system that enables efficient, instant voice conversations among team members, across groups, and throughout an organization of mobile professionals is highly valued. Efficiency is a very powerful tool in helping any business organization cut its costs. Bear that in mind!
Related Ideas & Trends
Vocera Communications Product Page
Your Trekkie Communicator Is Ready [Forbes]
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Eat It Ripe and Right

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1 thought on “Star Trek Communication

  1. My wife is a RN and raves about the Vocera. Most of her peers can’t stand them (they don’t speak english well), but she has nothing but positive things to say about the technology.

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