SuperMeat Creating Device To Grow Cultured-Meat For Local Consumption


SuperMeat, an Israeli foodtech startup, is developing the technology to create cultured meat from chicken cells in a safe and controlled environment, external to the animal’s body. The company is launching a crowdfunding campaign to create the first device in the world to grow a whole chicken breast. SuperMeat plans to make cultured meat a viable replacement for animal meat, and the crowdfunding campaign is the first step. The company is working towards the distributive manufacturing of cultured meat, designing devices that could be placed at grocery stores, restaurants, and ultimately in consumer homes.

SuperMeat aims to take a small biopsy sample from a chicken, and segregate it into separate cells that will proliferate in culture. Scientists will then form tiny tissues from the cells and grow them organically into full-size tissue. The process will occur in an environment designed to mimic the chicken’s physiology, and result in chicken meat indistinguishable from conventional meat in terms of flavor and texture.

The company’s unique approach allows SuperMeat to design small scale meat producing devices, that will be at restaurants, supermarkets, and in the future, in individual homes. The technology will enhance the nutritional value of the meat, creating superfoods rich in protein, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, calcium, and iron.

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