Taser Party

Iconoculture: They come in pink, blue, silver and black, but we’re not talking Tupperware. Taser C2s are in hot demand at home-shopping parties in Arizona, where instead of trading recipes, suburban housewives take aim at cardboard cutouts.
“We have Tupperware parties and candle parties to protect our food and house, so why not have a Taser party to learn how to protect our lives and bodies?” asks Dana Shafman, who founded Shieldher Inc. to franchise the concept.
The gals don’t drink-and-Taser (no alcohol is permitted) and they don’t practice on each other. But they do learn how to handle the devices, which can hit attackers up to 15 ft. away with electrical volts that incapacitate them.
Hosts of Shieldher Taser parties, rolling out nationwide in 2008, get a free Taser for every 10 they sell in their homes.
Consumers are more concerned than ever about personal safety. Tasers empower women to protect themselves and their families without bringing firearms into the home.
Taser home-shopping parties a stunning success [Iconoculture]

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17 thoughts on “Taser Party

  1. Think this is a terrific idea, and I’ll be looking into it. If San Francisco supervisors/mayor can have concealed carry permits and bodyguards but we ordinary citizens can’t, then tasers make sense.

  2. I would love to set up a taser party for all my friends in the Seattle area. Can anyone help me there?

  3. Hi,
    I am a 54 retired L.A. County Deputy Sheriff and I think this is a great idea and I would love to get involved. How do I go about doing so and can one make money in selling tasers?

  4. Hi, I live in Texas and I am looking for an opportunity to start a Home-Based Business. With “2” teenagers, one in college and the other a Jr. in High School. I so-worry about their safety!! This product would be perfect!! On the Today’s Show, you said, “you were looking to expand in Texas. I live in the Houston area and have worked in outside sales since 1991. I have many contact here. Please let me know if this is a possibility. Thanks

  5. I would like to get in on this groundbreaking opportunity , I would like to create a web site for people to goto to have these parties, any help would be appreciated. njman6666@aol.com

  6. Hello, my name is Melissa and I would love to get into the tazer party business. I live in South Park Pa, and would love to join into this business. This is something I totally believe in and I know at least 75 people who would love to come to a party and even start doing parties for different people all the time. Could you please contact me on how to get into the business.
    My cell number is 412-735-5663 and my other is 412-735-2983. I am totally serious and committed to this I have had my neck broken twice and not working I could devote 100% of my time to this business and in turn make you alot of money also please contact me at any time.
    Thank you,
    Melissa Dewaine

  7. Check out Fashionably Safe, a new female-friendly personal safety company based in Killeen, Texas.
    Their primary focus is the personal protection of women and children. They care about your safety and offer some fun, cool, interesting, and very effective products and services.
    They are unique because they specialize in offering female-friendly self-defense products like Tasers, stun guns and pepper sprays that are fashionable but functional.
    They are expanding and growing their business and could use all the support, constructive feedback, and word of mouth marketing they can get. It is a business for women by women.
    Please check it out. Sign their guest book, and show your support for the movement to stop violence against women and children.

  8. I live in Northern California, I want to host a taser party. How can I make this happen?

  9. TASER Network, the exclusive authorized network marketing channel partner of TASER International Inc., combines the most desirable and recognized personal protection product on the market today (the TASER C2) with the income generating power of TASER Network’s 2-Team Compensation Plan (TNT2) for independent business owners. The TASER Network will launch July 1st; however, you can reserve a spot in the Network prior to the launch by visiting http://www.tasernetwork.com. You can also visit Shieldher to purchase at http://www.shieldher.net.
    Best regards, Dana (Shieldher President)

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