Businessweek Online: No, this is not about buxom bikini-clad women riding Clydesdales or SpongeBob holding a longneck. It’s about this ad war between Miller and Anheuser-Busch about whether Lite or Bud Light tastes better, or has “more taste.”
The National Advertising Division of the Council of Better Business Bureaus says it is now referring Anheuser-Busch’s challenge of Miller Brewing’s “More flavor, more taste” claims to the U.S. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, which already is reviewing the Milwaukee brewer’s campaign for fairness and truthfulness.
Miller points to blind taste “perception” tests of 400,000 consumers conducted by the Institute for Perception, Richmond, Va., pitting A-B versus Miller products. A-B charged that the tests were improperly conducted and the ads may leave consumers to think Miller beers were preferred over the AB’s brands.
Tasteless Beer Advertising [Businessweek Online]
Tasteless Beer Advertising
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