Teleformance: Teleformance is a Pay-Per-Call advertising account management company, and is the only company in the nation devoted solely to this service. Our goal is to connect your business to qualified consumers that are seeking your company’s product or service by eliminating the waste of traditional direct response advertising methods. We manage every aspect of the Pay-Per-Call advertising campaign process for your company. Our experienced team will work with you to customize your strategic campaign and distribute your ads across the nation’s largest network of search engines and online directories.
Teleformance –
Teleformance’s President Terry McCarthy wrote to convince us why his company is different from the #1 business in the PPCall industry, Ingenio, which recently launched a new service called Ether. In his own words:
*Ingenio offers PPCall ads on AOL and a few other secondary search engines (AOL is yielding well over 95% of the call volume for Ingenio clients) — Teleformance offers PPCall ads on Google, Yahoo, etc. and we have the flexibility to expand to any other major search engine for our clients. In other words, with Teleformance, there are no limits. This is a HUGE advantage that no one can touch.
*Ingenio offers a live up-to-the-second bidding model. We offer a fixed price-per-call model. Pricing varies based on the client vertical (category) and it’s subject to change based on click-thru vs. call conversions after the initial two weeks of the campaign. We believe that our clients will prefer a fixed price…It eliminates the constant
bid monitoring and allows for predictable efficiencies.
*Ingenio places the top bidders in each category in the top search position on AOL. The rest of the bidders are relegated to the top search position on the subsequent PAGES. This represents a major discrepancy in call volume between the top bidder and everyone else within the category. Teleformance simply offers premium placement at a
fixed price per call. If the client wants top positioning, then the price will go up accordingly. If the client prefers a lower position, then the pricing will go down accordingly. We tailor placement to each of our clients’ needs.
*Ingenio ad listings are notated by a telephone icon next to the ad listing. Teleformance ads appear without an accompanying icon.
*Ingenio calls are billable 12 seconds after the call starts ringing or, if the call is answered within 12 second, then they charge 12 seconds after the call is answered (yes, it’s confusing). Our calls are only billable 30 seconds after the call is answered. This might seem trivial, but our clients have indicated that it represents a substantial difference in our services.
*Ingenio landing pages have strict character and graphic limitations. Teleformance landing pages are wide open. Like Ingenio, we won’t allow a client to display their website address or add a link, but as far as the appearance of the ads, we encourage our clients to maximize their attractiveness via enhanced graphics. The better the landing page looks, the more likely the user will want to initiate the call.
*Ingenio offers broad client categories that might or might not encompass the correct keywords. Teleformance asks the clients for a list of their top-performing keywords. We lock in our clients’ ads under these specific keywords. If a client doesn’t have a keyword list, then we will research their industry sector and come up with a customized list.
*Ingenio offers online reporting – and it’s very detailed. Teleformance offers basic daily e-mail reporting. These reports can be customized to the clients’ needs, but at this point we don’t have the system in place to match up with Ingenio’s extensive reporting software.
*Ingenio offers ZERO % discounts to agencies and SEM firms. Teleformance offers a 10% discount to all agencies and SEM firms that manage their clients’ PPCall campaigns.
*Teleformance can manage every step of the process for our directclients from start-to-finish, including setting up campaigns with other PPCall service providers, like Ingenio.
He also gave a walk-through of the Teleformance PPCall process:
1. Our ads will appear much like any other sponsored link on Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc. There isn’t an icon that identifies the ad as PPCall (we don’t think it makes a difference to the user – and that’s all that matters)
2. When clicked, the ad opens up to a single landing page. Unlike Ingenio or the other PPCall service providers, we don’t have a lot of graphic or character restrictions for the landing page. This allows our clients’ landing pages to be as basic or as advanced as they want. On the landing page, a CONNECT ME button is prominently displayed at least twice.
3. When clicked, the CONNECT ME button opens a click-to-call pop-up window. The user can enter in their phone number and immediately initiate a call with the client.
4. When they hit submit, the user phone will ring and a message will announce that their call is being connected. Within a second or two, the toll-free call will seamlessly ring into the client’s designated phone number.
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i agree with them. Teleformance is a good company.