The Best of the Best: 4 Ideas For Cool Business Cards to Steal

You meet someone, you shake their hand, and get ready to part ways. What’s next? They hand you their business card, right?

Then you glance at it and put it directly in your backpack or wallet. Later, when you get home, it gets dumped into a pile (or the trash) where you’ll never look at it again. Of course, they do the same with your business card.

But that doesn’t happen as often if you invest in cool business cards. Want to be part of the cool crowd? Learn more.

Idea 1: Different Shapes

There’s a classic business card template. You know it well. It’s about an inch and a half to two inches, by three inches, and it’s a rectangle.

It has hard, sharp corners and information on the back and front. But what if you went outside the rectangle and chose a square card? That’s a choice many vendors make now.

You could get a triangle or a circle card. Anything that makes people look at your card one second longer. If it’s unique, people will remember it, even if it’s only because they have to put it in their wallet differently.

Idea #2: Go for Interesting Finishes

We’ve seen a trend towards matte everything, from makeup to cars to iPhones. But what about matte business cards?

If you want something shiny, that’s okay too. Gilded edges or using holographic design features on your card will help it stick out more.

Since this takes a more complex type of paper/design, cards with shiny or metallic accents are more expensive. But think about what you’d be willing to spend for a good customer, and then ask yourself if that extra cost is worth it. Usually, it is.

Idea #3: Use a Photo

People will look at photos of other people for longer and more willingly than photos of anything else. It’s something in our DNA from back when we had to determine if other humans were a threat.

If you put your photo on your business card, people will at least look at your face longer (and hopefully your information). It’s a great way to build face to face recognition, for one, but it also helps you stick out from the crowd of business cards in their wallet.

Yours is the only one with a smile on it.

Idea #4: Make it Useful

The options are endless for this idea. If you’re a business that does one thing, like, haircuts – make business cards that act like combs or mirrors in a pinch.

If you contact the business card company, they’re pretty much willing to do anything for you if they have the resources.

One landscaping company, for example, made their business cards out of plantable paper that grows grass. Guess who’s going to have a better chance at mowing that grass now, compared to the boring business card competition?

Cool Business Cards

If you want to go all out when it comes to your business cards, you’re going to have to spend the cash. Cool business cards don’t come cheap, but it’s the cost of business.

And hey – you can write it off!

Check out our blog for more industry-specific ideas on how to grow your business today!

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