The Business of Renting Out Christmas Trees

USA Today: For years, Pat de Garmo’s Christmas tree was her aging yucca plant.
She doesn’t like the idea of killing trees, and the size of her yard prevents her from getting a potted one. So year after year she strung lights and ornaments on the indoor plant, hanging toy drums and colored orbs from its stiff branches.
For environmentally conscious consumers like de Garmo, a venture that rents out living Christmas trees is filling a void.
The Original Living Christmas Tree Company founded by John Fogel, 39, has rented out more than 400 Christmas trees this holiday season, starting at $55 for a 7-foot Douglas fir.
The trees are taken out of the ground, roots and all, put into pots, and delivered to families in the Portland area. Soon after New Year’s, Fogel and his crew pick up the trees and deliver them to parks, school districts and other groups who pay around $10 to have the trees planted on their property.
Christmas tree rentals fill the void for some [USA Today]

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