The Cool Tech Transforming the Daycare Business


If you don’t have children, or have never worked in daycare, you probably don’t think much of child care as a dynamic and evolving industry. But the reality couldn’t be further from the truth. Even though the basic components of childcare (adults and children) are the same as they’ve always been, running a great daycare has a lot more to it. Daycare centers have to be small enough to give personal attention to each child, while bringing in payments, managing personal records and family information, and securely performing pickups and drop-offs. The list could go on and on. It turns out, a day care is a complex business, no matter how you slice it. But fortunately, there are emerging technologies which make things a little bit easier.

SkyChildCare is a cloud-based software solution to meet many of the daily requirements of daycare operators. Multi-faceted, SkyChildCare touches all corners of the daycare business. But while “cloud-based technology” sounds very technical, the differences that SkyChildCare makes in the daily operations of a daycare couldn’t be more practical. Here are some examples.

  • 1) Pickup and Drop-off. Kids have to be picked up and dropped off every day. Sounds simple, right? Wrong. Kids’ lives are complex. Sometimes a child might have a parent who is not allowed to pick up or drop off. Rather than leave this vital issue to memory, modern app-based solutions give each authorized guardian a pin code which is used to sign in at the facility each time. This way, no child goes home with an adult not authorized to make that pickup.
  • 2) Tuition. Tuition can be a challenge to keep up with for parents. Imagine how the daycare operator must feel! With thousands of dollars coming in from dozens of sources, each with their own financial situations to consider, it can be tough to keep track of it all. Automatic communications and reminders of unresolved payments are just one way modern childcare application technology keeps the money moving. Combined with the way these apps facilitate regular personal communications on your part, it’s easier than ever to bring in funds, accurate and on time.
  • 3) Employee Scheduling. Daycares don’t just have to worry about the schedules of children and parents; a staff is also involved! Modern daycare software allows you to schedule and communicate with all of your staff, all within one master platform. When you’re done with class scheduling and tuition (as described above), you won’t have to log into a separate program. Your employees can communicate with you here too, making SkyChildCare a perfect way to centralize all aspects of your daily daycare business.

In the end, there are more details for the daycare operator to think about than at any other time in the industry’s history. But technology has evolved to automate and assist many of these processes. Even though the modern daycare must be more precise than ever before, it’s also easier to achieve this precision. The kids in your care will appreciate it, as will their parents. And you, most of all, will notice the difference, one which enables you to do your job better, faster, and more easily.

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