Tiny Dots That Protect Your Car

You have paid thousands of hard-earned dollars for your dream car. If some evil car thieves stole it, it would be a surprise if you don’t blow up like a volcano. Thanks to DataDots, if this ever happened in real life, you would be able to recover your precious car in a matter of time. In fact, DataDots would be able to prevent your car from being stolen in the first place!
What are DataDots? Invented by DataDot Technology Ltd, the DataDots system is a state-of-the-art identification technology. Each DataDot is about the size of a grain of sand and is laser-etched with unique information directly associating the car with its owner. Up to 10,000 DataDots can be spray-glued on the engine and most other parts. This makes it very difficult to car-thieves to refurbish the stolen car and pass it off as a new one or sell the car parts because the dots can be easily spotted with a high-power magnifying glass. Also, they shine under ultra-violet light and are almost impossible for thieves to find and remove (Source: DataDot Technology website). The DataDot system ensures that stolen cars can be easily identified and traced back to their rightful owner.
You can count on these tiny DataDots to deter potential car thieves. Cars protected with this technology have cheeky “Protected by DataDot Technology” warning labels that send a clear message to thieves, as the cars will be “Too Hot To Handle!” Recovered cars can also be easily identified by the police when they’re reported stolen.
Let’s Get Down To Business…
Obviously, cars that are protected with the DataDots system will be able to command a premium. In today’s society, security-obsessed consumers are willing to pay more to ensure that their assets can be kept safe and secure from thieves. We recommend that you invest in the research and development of technologies that can protect consumers’ assets or incorporate some form of a security feature into your products, especially if they are very precious to your customers!
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