Tips To Prevent Jet Lag

We’re completely obsessed with traveling, but jet lag can really take away from an awesome trip. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of natural jet lag prevention tips, so you can enjoy vacay, without feeling tired or rundown as soon as you arrive. Bon voyage!

Stay hydrated

This may sound obvious, but make sure to drink water before, during, and after your flight. According to Mayo Clinic, a sure-fire way to avoid jet lag is to stay hydrated. The aircraft cabin in most commercial airplanes tends to be super dry, and dehydration can seriously exacerbate jet lag symptoms. Keep your skin hydrated, too, by staying moisturized during your flight.

Exercise in the sunshine

Allianz Travel claims that taking in sunshine and getting your steps in can both combat jet lag — so why not make it a point to squeeze in some aprés-flight exercise in the great outdoors? Sunlight helps with jet lag because it helps you adjust your circadian rhythms, and so does exercise. So if you have some time to simply go for a jog, walk, or bike ride once you land, you’ll be golden.

Adapt to the local time zone

Although it may be tempting to take an immediate nap, go to bed super early, or sleep in extra late the morning after you land, the best way to adjust to the local time zone is by literally forcing yourself to adapt to the local time zone. According to Sleep Foundation, you shouldn’t nap for longer than 30 minutes upon arrival, and you should probably plan to sleep and wake up at the time you normally would, locally. You’ll be happy later that you didn’t waste time snoozing.

You’ll also want to adjust your snacking schedule to the local time zone — although you may be craving a 3 p.m. feast, you’ll definitely want to wait until dinnertime, in order to truly adjust your body and mind.

Forgo the in-flight alcohol and caffeine

Since staying hydrated is key, Harvard Health says you should probably forgo the coffee and alcohol before and during your air travel — again, you’ll be happy you stuck to water once you get there.

Take a probiotic

The bacteria in your gut can be seriously affected by jet lag, which is why Travel + Leisure recommends taking a supplement two weeks leading up to — and during — your trip. They help improve the immune system, and lower your risk of getting sick. If you’d prefer to avoid taking any supplements, try eating fermented foods — kimchi and tempeh are only a few of our faves.

Take in magnesium

While most think of feeling jet lag as feeling tired, The Urban List claims that many feel cramped — this is caused by poor circulation, dehydration, and a magnesium deficiency. They recommend taking Abundant Natural Health’s Magnesium Gel with cucumber juice — or you can go for something you already have on-hand, like almonds, seeds, or wheat germ. This should lessen cramping, minimize pain, and help with sleep. It’s certainly worth a shot, if that tends to be a symptom of jet lag for you.

Tips to Curb Jet Lag, Naturally [Green Matters]

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