To Never Forget

memory-lifebook3.jpgThe MEMENTO Memory LifeBook is a well designed and effective scientific mobile gadget that serves as a solution to people who suffer from dementia. The wearable device aids communication and memory as well as help keep track of objects and day-to-day agendas.
As quoted by the inventor, Peter Sin Guili: “The care of dementia patients is one of the society’s largest medical and social responsibilities… The rapidly aging population and the extrapolation of increase number of dementia patients in the future sees a prominent growing market and demand for product solutions (Assistive Technology) to enable elderly individuals diagnosed with the condition to carry on their everyday activities independently for as long as possible.”
The product facilitates the memorizing of events and helps those who suffer from dementia live their lives as efficiently and regularly as possible by maximizing their cognitive abilities and enhancing their self-reliability. It assists with contact maintenance, upkeep of daily tasks, keeps track of agendas, medication dosages, an ‘intelligent camera’ and more. Due to the increasing numbers of dementia patients and the costs of medical aid, this break-through device poses as a wise answer.

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