Shiny Shiny: This Tamogotchi style device is designed to help us understand men. How you ask? Well, it comes with 100 pre-installed questions, like: ‘What phrase will make boys happy when said out of jealousy by their girlfriends?’ or ‘What type of hair style do men usually prefer their girlfriends to have?”.
This is not a joke. Bandai has really given the green light to this device. They even interviewed 1,000 single men in Japan aged between 20 and 39 in order to achieve the best possible results. By answering a lot of the questions right, your popularity meter rises, ergo your knowledge of men gradually builds up.
Bandai helps women understand the men [Shiny Shiny]
Understanding Mens’ Heart
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Sad to think they have us completely dissected down to 100 questions.