
CNBC.com: For whatever reason, there aren’t many restrooms on the golf course. And, when you get to a certain age, you really can’t wait 18 holes.
Dr. Floyd Seskin, a urologist in the Miami area, said guys used to come in all the time telling him how they would hit their ball in the woods every few holes to, uh, alleviate the situation.
Then, one day, he was golfing with a few buddies. They all had his back to them and that’s when the lightbulb went on. What if you could make a device discreet enough that you could just turn your back and no one would know?
And with that the UroClub was born.
Here’s how it works: You unscrew the cap on the dummy club. Then, clip the privacy towel to your waistband or belt. The UroClub also clips onto the towel so you have both hands free to, discreetly handle the situation. Screw the triple-seal leak-proof cap back on, replace the club and then get back in the game!
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