Gizmodiva: It’s Kitty’s world, folks. We just live in it. Though for guarding purpose dogs are the best options over cats. The canines are alert and scary (at least when needed) as opposed to the felines who are sluggish and gullible all the time. But this USB Kitty begs to differ! It’s a watch-cat for your computer. When you’re working on PC, you need to leave your chair for answering nature’s call or whatever else. But at such times, children or spouses make the best of it and try to peek into what you have been unto. When you walk away from your computer and there somebody wants to touch your PC, it will meow, hiss and sing melodies in order to scare away the intruders.
USB Kitty, a watchcat for your Computer [Gizmodiva]
USB Feline
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