Useful Garbage

Reader Mark Nagurski alerted us to the Ebay of dumped and useless items, Useful Garbage. From the website:
“Recycle your unwanted clutter or anything you deem as being useless- excluding your Partner! Visitors can ‘Dump’ anything they want to get rid of – for someone else to ‘find’ and take off their hands. From antiques and art to cars, TV’s and furniture – anything goes for FREE!
Connect with Dumpers and Finders of useful items by logging into MY Account or Registering. When ‘Dumping’, simply post your photos or a video together with a description of the item. If you cannot do either, just post your description. When you ‘Find’ an item, ask the dumper further questions or make an offer to obtain the item.
In turn, we all contribute to minimising landfill disposals, street and neighbourhood waste and the item is in the possession of someone who can make the most of it and use it again and again and again!”
Useful Garbage

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1 thought on “Useful Garbage

  1. is a new web project.
    Find attached the scope:
    Welcome to the official Tatters and Scavengers Community website. Global Warming has become the biggest issue of the moment and we need to do something about this. Hence this community website where I am hoping to get a lots of people together sharing news, videos, podcast, tips and so on.
    I am currently still defining the scope of this project and I would like to get your ideas and suggestions.
    The site would include some of the following:
    • Podcasts on how to recycle.
    • Photo/video documentaries on fieldtrips related to recycling.
    • Video/podcast retellings of related stories.
    • Tatters willing to share stories on the latest findings.
    • Blogs by students about our recycling project and related news, such as reviewing websites on recycling for kids.
    • Videos UTUBE style on how to recycle at school and at home.
    • Links to great sites on recycling for anyone.
    • Ideally this site should be international and translated into different languages.
    In the immediate future, I would like some help in:
    • Creating a logo / corporate image. – ideally a graphic – web designer
    • Defining the scope – anyone
    • Getting good tips on how to recycle junk – tatters community
    • Spreading the word – anyone
    • Organizing events – anyone
    • Designing a flash animation for the site – ideally a graphic – web designer
    Every contribution or help will receive a full credit on the site and for any professional job, we might try to raise some cash.
    I’m hoping there is someone out there who could help us out. So please be nice. 😉

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