The Age: On a narrow Tokyo street, Aya Tsukioka demonstrates clothing designs she hopes will ease Japan’s growing fear of crime.
With a deft motion, Ms Tsukioka, a 29-year-old fashion designer, lifts a flap on the front of her skirt to reveal a sheet of cloth printed in bright red, with a soft drink logo partly visible.
By holding the sheet fully open and stepping to the side of the road, she shows how a woman walking alone could elude pursuers — by disguising herself as a vending machine.
The wearer hides behind the sheet, which is printed with an actual-size photo of a vending machine.
“It is just easier for Japanese to hide,” Ms Tsukioka said. “Making a scene would be too embarrassing.”
She said her idea of the vending machine disguise was inspired by a trick used by Japan’s ancient ninja, who cloaked themselves under black blankets at night.
Some of the ideas, including the vending machine disguise, have yet to become commercially viable.
Japanese skirt fear of crime [The Age]
Vanishing Vending Machine
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Where can i get this exactly? Would be the perfect outfit for the next dress-up party!