Vegawatt: The Green Voltage

Springwise: Who said fat was bad for you? Vegawatt focuses on the upside of grease, turning restaurants’ waste oil into electricity and hot water.
Vegawatt’s refrigerator-sized units are incorporated into a building’s existing system in the same way as a solar panel is retrofitted. After filtering a restaurant’s used vegetable oil, the unit combusts the refined fuel in a diesel engine, feeding electricity and hot water straight into a restaurant’s system. The units won’t provide all the power and electricity that a business needs, but can significantly improve its carbon footprint and running costs, as a unit typically provides 10-25% of electricity requirements.
Vegawatt was developed by the Owl Power Company, a clean energy system company based in Massachusetts, and was launched this month. Planet-friendly, pocket-friendly, and good for PR… Time to put fries back on the menu?
Vegawatt: powering restaurants with kitchen grease [Springwise]

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