PRNewswire: Just when you think you’ve seen it all in the world of marketing, listen up – HALLS Fruit Breezers lets you hear it all too! Tattooing advertisements on body parts is old news, but the newest wave in creative branding is loud and difficult to miss…at least if you live in New York City with Floyd Hayes. HALLS Fruit Breezers purchased Hayes’ voice on eBay, in a unique advertising deal that may leave you…well, hoarse.
Floyd Hayes, a Brooklyn, NY resident, put his “voicevertising” services up for sale on eBay, offering to shout out a brand name every fifteen minutes for an entire week — no matter what location or situation, i.e. subways, elevators, bars, clubs, weddings or even business meetings. (Don’t worry…he will be allowed to sleep.) It’s a contemporary spin on the traditional town crier, and what brand could be more fitting to purchase the services than HALLS Fruit Breezers, a throat drop that cools and soothes dry, scratchy throats, which Hayes is likely to experience on this mission.
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