Wave Goodbye To Your Cling Wraps & Help Save The Environment

Plastic film, including cling film, makes up roughly half of all the plastic packaging used in the UK each year. And as many local authorities don’t accept plastic film in their kerbside recycling collections, a lot of this ends up in landfill.

Cling film (and plastic film more generally) is an example of ‘single-use plastic’, which hit the headlines in 2018, prompting many of us – and some retailers – to start seeking out alternatives to plastic products that we use once then bin. You don’t have to look far to see the results. Handing over your own reusable coffee cup to a barista is not uncommon and paper drinking straws are more widely stocked in supermarkets.

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Now, the government has stated in its latest waste strategy that it will ban some plastic products altogether if suitable alternatives are available.

So, if you haven’t already made a New Year’s resolution, how about giving up cling film? You may count it among your kitchen essentials, but cling film is easier to do without than you might think. It could even shave a pound or two off the weekly groceries shop. Here are our three top tips for a cling film-free 2019.

TIP 1 Rethink how you store leftovers

We all know that leftover food should be covered to stop the spread of germs in the fridge. But that doesn’t mean you need to reach for the cling film. If you don’t want to use plastic food storage boxes, put leftovers in a bowl with a small plate on top as a lid. If you use shallow enough bowls, you might be able to stack another bowl with its own plate lid on top to save fridge space.

Some food – such as cheese – actually fares better without clingfilm, which can trap moisture and encourage mould to grow. Waxed paper, such as PME Wax Paper from Cake Stuff, £3.45 for 3m is perfect for wrapping cheese. Failing that, greaseproof paper will do. As blue cheese can seep liquid as it matures, put it on a plate to avoid pungent leaks in the fridge.

TIP 2 Use crockery to cover microwaved food

Reheating leftovers or steaming food in the microwave is fast and convenient, and a covering of cling film helps prevent splatters. Instead, use a reusable plate cover such as the Prickig Microwave Lid from Ikea, or turn a plate or bowl upside down and place this over the food you’re heating – pasta plates work particularly well on dinner plates.

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TIP 3 Wrap sandwiches in reusable covers

This season, the best dressed sandwiches in the lunchbox are wearing reusable beeswax wraps rather than clingfilm. Eddington Bee’s Wraps are made from beeswax, organic cotton, tree resin and organic jojoba oil, and are biodegradable .

3 ways to stop buying cling film in 2019 [Goodhousekeeping]

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