Ways to Improve Productivity with Video Communication Tools

Ways to Improve Productivity with Video Communication Tools

There are many ways to improve productivity in your company with the number of tools and resources available to us today. Bottom line is, no matter what industry your company is in, improving your productivity is essential to remaining competitive. Video communication tools are one of the many technological tools available to us and BlueJeans being a common provider. As a company, when looking at the bigger picture, what are the biggest benefits of video communication tools and how will it enhance your productivity? Let’s have a look at how video communication tools can potentially improve your company’s productivity:

Create more flexible schedules

One of the most common mistakes employers make is having all employees stick to a very rigid schedule on the daily basis. Every employee should have some liberty to determine what is being done and when it gets done as pertaining to their particular job function. In getting strict with a schedule, it creates bad morale in the company and therefore, highly delayed productivity. Allowing your employees to work with communication tools will help them schedule around one another for more effective communication and flexible schedules. Loyalty from employees comes from good morale and positive encouragement regularly. A flexible schedule also means sometimes allowing your employees to work from home or take a flex day while still working and video communication tools from BlueJeans can make this happen from home. According to a study conducted by IBM in year 2010, employees who have less flexible schedules at work clock more sick hours and suffer from more stress than their more flexible counterparts.

Boosting technological computing power

Adding more computing power in the form of video communication tools is a great way to increase the productivity of your company because it helps each employee get more done in less time. While you would have more trouble communicating through a long distance business call, you can now video conference with your team on the other side of the globe. By evaluating the needs for your company, you will be able to better gage what can be done in less time with the help of new technology. Try examining the work processes of your company and the time consuming manual processes your employees complain to be too tedious and can be automated with the right technology. Automation is a good way to improve productivity.

Empowering employees

Organization structure, employee empowerment and loyalty–all comes with good morale and support from the employer. From training courses to extra pay, there are many methods employers have used to try and increase employee productivity. Besides a rewards program, how can some video communication tools help to empower employees to do more and better work? Giving employees the right tools helps them do their jobs more effectively and with good productivity. The fact of the matter is, there are tasks that are tedious and can be draining for your employees. Rather than draining their brain power, efforts and time or something simple, give your employees the power to be flexible and complete more priority tasks at hand. For example, making in person meetings less mandatory and left for video communication frees up more time for employees to work with customers and deliver better products and services which is more productive for the company overall.

Effective communication

Modern day employees, especially those of the younger generation, are more than comfortable with a number of communication tools. From text messaging to online group chats, there are many forms of electronic communication platforms for you to implement. Just as email and web bulletins have become a norm in the workplace, making video communication tools of common use can enhance communication and understanding between different teams and departments. Companies that are able to use the power to communication to enhance productivity often provide employees with the right communication tools and the rest is highly self motivated–employees will use tools that make their lives easier and what saves time. The work friendly approach of communication and saving time does not go without saying that desk visits and in person meetings are still important, but some can be replaced as a result of unproductivity.

Priority filtering

Video conferencing can be a powerful communication tool for your company. With it brings more time drained if not used correctly and effectively. Allowing your employees unfettered access to you the video communication tools may actually drain the productivity that results from investing in these tools. You might find them on video conferencing calls for longer than they need to be or using it on their personal time. So while proper management of video communication tools can increase productivity, the worry of ineffective usage still exists and limiting the access for certain purposes will act to prevent abusive behavior from occurring.

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2 thoughts on “Ways to Improve Productivity with Video Communication Tools

  1. Excellent article, Steven! Collaboration tools are key to staying ahead of competitors. And video communication tools look all the more interesting, thanks.
    Niraj ( Founder at grexit.com)

  2. By using video conferencing tools like webex, R-HUB desktop video conferencing servers, gotomeeting, gomeetnow etc. businesses can have increased productivity, increased efficiency, better client interaction etc.

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