Wearble Electronics from Nike


The wearables market is exploding, thanks to ever-smaller electronics and such new technologies as Bluetooth LE (low energy). That’s precisely what the latest Nike Fuelband SE ($149) boasts, which will be available on November 5. Nike improved on its first FuelBand with the following features:

Bluetooth 4.0 – You can now wirelessly sync with any iPhone from the model 4s on.
Water resistance – Showering wit the FuelBand SE is now also possible.
Colors – Another cool new feature are several different hues, including Pink, Volt, a yellowish green, Black, and Crimson. A Nike+ swoosh logo has also been added.
Sleep measurement – The FuelBand SE can now measure sleep. Just hold down the device’s button for three seconds to kick the device into sleep mode. Touch it again to wake up out of sleep mode. The same procedure is used to log workout sessions, like bicycling, playing tennis, or yoga.

Nike FuelBand SE [UberCool]

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