Dr. Lodge McCammon and his team at NC State’s Friday Institute for Educational Innovation have developed FIZZ – a suite of tools that allows teachers to implement safe Web 2.0 environments in the classroom, similar to a private YouTube site for each school. Helping students solve classroom assignments is an important part of FIZZ, McCammon explains. However, there is another lasting component – teaching students appropriate ways to interact with available Web tools.
“Students are getting mixed messages about how to use sites like Facebook and YouTube. At their schools, these sites are banned – giving students the impression that the sites are inappropriate,” McCammon says. “But then they go home and their parents tell them they can use the sites, but maybe for only 30 minutes a day. No one is really giving them guidance on how to use these tools in an appropriate manner. They don’t fully realize that once they put content online, it is out there forever and they can’t take it back.”
Through the FIZZ Web site, teaching and learning outcomes can be easily broadcast over the Internet to increase student engagement and achievement, while still allowing school administrators to control the Web site’s content.
iTeacher: Program Brings Web 2.0 to the Classroom []
Web 2.0 Classroom
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