Workouts in the City

Iconoculture: Gyms can be intimidating, not to mention crowded and confining – especially for people who spend enough of their waking hours indoors. These workouts set them free.
Park benches aren’t just for sitting. Fitness buffs use them for aerobic step-ups while on Urban Walks in Washington, DC. The outdoor classes, from Balance Integrated Training Concepts (ITC), transform cityscape features like curbs into exercise equipment.
Trainers lead small groups of eight on early-morning 3-mi. walks that wind through leafy neighborhoods and parks. Walkers stop to stretch and pump up their heart rates using whatever is at hand; walls, for instance, make great chest presses. For $10, anyone feeling suburban girth can drop in. Like a tamed version of urban exploration or a kidless take on stroller excursions, the activities engage people to get out and make friends with their neighborhoods.
Fit To Be Tried [Iconoculture]

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