YouMail Voicemail

youmail.jpgMobileCrunch: YouMail, a free voicemail service, launched a new advertising program this week that will connect brands with mobile users through text-based advertising. This new feature will add youmail2.jpgshort, non-intrusive 40-character marketing messages to the text alerts users already receive when a caller leaves a new voicemail.
YouMail users currently receive text messages alerting them to new voicemails which include the name and phone number of the caller, and the length of the voice message. The new program allows brands to sponsor these texts by placing a marketing message, limited to 40 characters, at the end of the alert. It is hoped that the new advertising feature will keep YouMail’s service free and allow the company to develop new features.
YouMail Launches New non-Intrusive Advertising Program [MobileCrunch]

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