BizReport: A new website gives advertisers the chance to brief online video ad developers for considerably less than the cost of a production agency.
It’s a win-win situation for advertisers on Zooppa, a new website launched this week. It is essentially a platform for paid, user generated video, with a twist.
Businesses are encouraged to supply advertising briefs, including specifics such as target audience, product details, core message and brand guidelines. Users create video ads which are then entered in to a contest where they are reviewed and voted on by other Zooppa users. At the time of writing details of the value of the prizes are not known.
“’s purpose is to create a community of professional and amateur creatives and videomakers that compete in creating the best and the most viral video commercials ever,” said Zooppa’s Allison Green.
Advertisers can use new website for online ad production [BizReport]
Zooppa Video Ads
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