Ellodee Audio Console For Kids

Children’s screen time is a growing concern for parents, as kids spend more time each day staring at phones, tablets, computers and TVs. Audio is one alternative, but it’s usually tied to screens as well. Enter the Ellodee Sound Companion – a kid-focused console that’s all about audio. The Sound Companion looks and largely works like a smart speaker, which […]

Environmentally Free Antibacterial Cleaner

Whether you have kids going back to school, or if you recently started commuting to the office again, it’s now more important than ever to ensure your living space is bacteria-free. That being said, a number of sanitizing sprays and antibacterial cleaners in the realm of cleaning products are extremely unsustainable, and picking one that doesn’t do a number on […]

BiodiverCity Penang’s New Eco-Tourism Spots

In January 2020, the Penang State Government launched an international design competition centered on reinventing the Penang South Islands and transforming them into a sustainable destination. The goal was to create a livable community, both indoors and outdoors, that encompasses cultural, ecological and economic growth. The winner of the competition is Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG), with a comprehensive plan it […]

Buying 2nd Hand Furniture Online

Vintage furniture has always been in high demand among the eco-conscious. Why pay big money for some laminated pressboard that’s likely to fall apart in less than a decade when you can buy something that’s already withstood the test of time. These days, however, as more and more people reach for something old to renew, hipsters the world over are […]

AI System Detects Loneliness In Natural Speech 

A new proof of concept study, led by researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine, has demonstrated how speech-analyzing artificial intelligence tools can effectively predict the level of loneliness in older adults. Natural language processing (NLP) is an umbrella term encompassing a variety of techniques that process or analyze large volumes of unstructured natural speech and text. […]

Coronavirus Can Survive 28 Days On Banknotes 

A new Australian study measuring the survival rates of SARS-CoV-2 on various surfaces has found the virus may be able to survive up to 28 days on glass, stainless steel and even banknotes. However, experts urge caution over how these results are interpreted as they do not translate to conditions influencing real-world transmission of COVID-19. The new research, from a […]

Ultra Thin Graphite Films

Making every micrometer count is a key consideration for designers and engineers working on modern smartphones, and a new material could free up some valuable space. Scientists have developed a nanometer-thick form of graphite that helps keep electronic devices cool, and does so while taking up just a fraction of the real estate of current solutions. Graphite films play an […]

Carbon Fiber Folding Bike

Morfuns Bicycle started work on a lightweight folding ebike called the Éole back in December last year, which boasts a carbon fiber frame, a one-size-fits-all design, and a battery in the seatpost, a design that the company claims it was one of the first to implement back in 2016. Now the company is taking the Indiegogo route to production, and […]

Exod Pumps And Pitches Inflatable Ground

Back in April, we took a look at the French-designed Exod Home, an innovative inflatable hammock-tent for backcountry or frontcountry glamping. At such a shaky time during the early days of the COVID-19 lockdowns, the four-figure tent’s future felt quite uncertain. But since then, camping and outdoor recreation has caught fire, so maybe a four-figure air/ground tent is not so […]