LED Face Mask 

Given the state of the world at the moment, it looks like face masks are here to stay for a while yet – so you might as well have some fun with them. An indie game maker is now launching the JabberMask, a voice-activated wearable packed with LEDs that move like a mouth in time with your speech, or can […]

5 Innovative Ideas To Improve Retail Business Operations

There are several innovative business ideas to improve your retail store operations. Every successful retail store needs a series of reliable strategies for marketing, operations, and management. With the retail landscape becoming increasingly competitive, it has never been more important to improve operations and exceed customer expectations. Fortunately, there are a series of ideas, processes, and strategies to help you […]

Facebook Working on AR Glasses

Facebook’s Reality Labs Research wing is currently working on a number of projects designed to help us cut through noisy environments and zero in on folks we’re trying to hold a conversation with, or enhance our daily lives when used with AR glasses. “At FRL Research, we are exploring new technologies that can extend, protect, and enhance your hearing ability […]

Seaweed As An Eco-Textile?

Sustainable fashion is on the rise, with materials from plastic water bottles to vegan apple leather becoming more and more common in the industry every day. Recent design graduate Jasmine Linington is taking sustainable fashion a step further with a new couture collection that uses seaweed-derived textiles. The eco-friendly and thoughtful clothing displays the versatility of this ocean resource through […]

Sustainable Pet Foods

It’s an ethical conundrum vegetarian pet owners frequently face — isn’t it hypocritical to eschew meat consumption yourself while still supporting animal slaughter by purchasing pet food? Those days of having to choose Fluffy over a nameless abattoir victim may be coming to an end as Bond Pet Foodsimproves a new lab-grown chicken protein technology. The Boulder, Colorado-based biotech company […]

Portable MRI Machine

A study published in the journal JAMA Neurology is reporting promising results testing the world’s first portable MRI machine in a real-world intensive care setting. The groundbreaking device effectively detected brain abnormalities in almost all patients studied, paving the way for new bedside diagnostic capabilities. Developed by healthcare technology company Hyperfine, the point-of-care (POC) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) system was […]

Palau’s New Model Of Sustainable Tourism

In partnership with Sustainable Travel International and Slow Food, the Palau Bureau of Tourism has launched a new project aimed at mitigating its tourism-based carbon footprint. The project’s long-term goal is to establish the island country as the world’s first official carbon-neutral tourism destination. With a focus on specific approaches to sustainable tourism, such as promoting local food production and […]

Artificial Muscles Gives Haptic Feedback Glove

Connected gloves that transmit haptic feedback to the user, be it from objects in distant locations or virtual reality environments, could certainly open up some interesting possibilities. Scientists in Australia working in this field have demonstrated a new device they say offers a more realistic experience than previous solutions, by making use of soft artificial muscles that more closely resemble […]