Why SEO Is Crucial for Any Business

The “new normal” is a term that we’re all familiar with by now. Since March, communities have enforced quarantines that have seen people confined within the four corners of their homes due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Schools have closed, businesses have stopped, and all forms of mass gatherings have either been discouraged or prohibited by law. Not only does this […]

High-Tech Mask Tracks Sleeping Movements

When tracking a sleeping person’s eye movements, you typically have to stick hard-wired electrodes onto their face. Soon, however, an unobtrusive flexible mask could do the job – while also measuring their heart rate. Traditionally, a technique known as electrooculography is utilized for tracking nocturnal eye movements. It involves adhering pairs of electrodes to the skin either above and below […]

Electric Tractor Powered By Battery

If you were a farmer, wouldn’t you prefer to just recharge your utility tractor, instead of refuelling it from your limited onsite supply of diesel? That’s exactly where the eUtility Electric Tractor is designed to come in. Designed by California-based startup Solectrac, the eUtility is a rear-wheel-drive 40-HP diesel-equivalent electric tractor powered solely by an onboard 28-kWh lithium iron phosphate […]

Harvesting Body Heat As Energy

Scientists have created thermocells, energy-efficient devices, that can harvest excess heat and convert it into renewable energy. They hope to create portable batteries that could be applied to many types of surfaces to harvest excess heat — including clothing to utilize heat from the human body as energy. The group of 11 scientists who worked on this project published their […]

Intel’s 11th Gen Core Laptop Processors 

Intel has unveiled its new generation of laptop processors. Codenamed Tiger Lake, the new 11th Gen Intel Core processors are much faster than their predecessors for office work, gaming and content creation. The Tiger Lake processors come in nine different configurations, across the usual Intel Core i3, i5 and i7 labels. Built on a new CPU architecture called Willow Cove […]

First Map Of Marine Infrastructure

With our long history of altering the environment through manmade structures, we humans sure have made our mark on the Earth in our relatively short time here. Scientists in Australia have turned their attention to what this perpetual development means for the world’s marine environments, calculating the extent of our construction footprint on the oceans for the first time ever. […]

Carbon Fibre Tyr 

Ford may have the new shimmer of the Bronco Off-Roadeo series, but Jeep has the long-running success of the annual Easter Jeep Safari. At least it did until COVID-19 came through and canceled the planned 54th edition this year. But Jeep didn’t use that as an excuse to avoid putting together the concept off-roaders that have become an integral part […]

Zaha Hadid Moscow Metro 

We’ve all been there: rushing through an unfamiliar metro station laden with heavy bags and only a few minutes to work out where you’re meant to be. It’s a stressful experience and one that Zaha Hadid Architects’ (ZHA) new Moscow metro aims to address with an intuitive layout and navigation aids. Moscow’s metro stations are world famous, and for good […]

Greening Camp Nou 

In a bid to bring greater green space to Barcelona, local architecture firm ON-A has proposed converting the city’s Camp Nou football stadium into a 26-hectare forested park. Dubbed Nou Parc, the design blankets the Camp Nou stadium and surrounding facilities with an undulating green roof strong enough to support a forest of trees. The architects estimate that the resulting […]