Quench Sea Low Cost Desalination Device 

Newly developed QuenchSea is a low-cost, handheld machine with the potential to become a complete life-saver for water-related emergency situations and humanitarian crises. The device has the capacity to turn about one liter of seawater — and up to three liters in ideal conditions — into drinkable freshwater every hour using a manual system. The desalination device comes from London-based […]

Smart Saddle

It’s an understatement to say that many cyclists find traditional saddles uncomfortable. Sore-butted riders who are looking for an alternative already have several to choose from, but now there’s another – the SmartSaddle. Invented by Kansas-based engineer Dennis Bell (apparently a distant cousin of Alexander Graham Bell), the SmartSaddle is actually the descendant of his earlier product, the MoonSaddle. Taking […]

Graphene-Wrapped Particles Kill Drug Resistant Bacteria

Antibiotic-resistant bacteria are emerging as a serious public health threat, and part of the reason is that the bugs can pass resistance genes to each other. Now, researchers at Rice University have developed a system using nanoparticles wrapped in graphene oxide to kill both the superbugs and their free-floating resistance genes in wastewater. Bacteria are community-minded organisms, so when some […]

Antarctic Seafloor Is Leaking Methane

For the first time, scientists have confirmed that methane leaking is from Antarctica’s sea bed. They say the methane is likely escaping into the atmosphere. According to the EPA, in 2018, methane accounted for about 10% of U.S. human-driven greenhouse gas emissions. But the Antarctica leak may be beyond human influence or control. Scientists believe that immense quantities of methane are stored […]

World’s Smallest 3D Scanning Device 

An Australian/German team has developed the world’s smallest imaging device, at the thickness of a human hair. It’s capable of traveling down the blood vessels of mice, offering unprecedented abilities to 3D-scan the body at microscopic resolutions. To build this miniature endoscope, the team took a fine optical fiber with a diameter of less than half a millimeter (0.02 in), […]

Futuristic Folding Knife

With so many knives on the market these days it takes something a little out there to catch our eye, and the latest from Oregon-based gear-maker CRKT is one that certainly fits the bill. The Hirin is a spear-point blade with a heavy sci-fi flavour, and an ability to fold in and out of its dramatically designed handle with a […]

Apple Iterates 27-in iMac With Faster Brains & SSD

Apple has announced a modest upgrade to the 27-in iMac. The new machines pack up to 10-core Intel processors, solid state drives (SSD) for faster storage, a higher-resolution FaceTime camera and a few other hardware tune-ups under the hood. The new iMacs are powered by 10th generation Intel Core processors, available in several different configurations depending on the speed you […]

3-In-1 Bluetooth Speaker

This portable speaker is not like the rest. With a powerful sound that connects seamlessly via Bluetooth 4.0, this small yet mighty device can accompany you during any adventure. Whether you’re riding your bike, out at the park, camping outdoors, or just in your backyard, you’ll have a compact gadget that has wireless 3-in-1 features. Boasting a length of 8″ […]

Clothing Recycling Breakthrough

The waste generated by the fashion and clothing industry is massive, and not just because of the items that are worn a few times before being discarded in favor of the latest trends. Recycling clothing made from cotton is tricky business, meaning pieces like jeans and shirts often become rags rather than being broken down and repurposed as high-quality garments. […]